• Sermon111614

    Sermon Questions 11-16-14

    Peruse the title headings from Numbers 1-6.  Summarize the major Big Picture idea here.  Who is giving instructions?  Who is receiving them?  Why?

    Who is supposed to speak the blessing in Numbers 6:22-27?  What will God do when this blessing is spoken over Israel?

    In the Aaronic Blessing from Numbers 6:22-27, the last phrase is “…and give you peace”.  In Hebrew the word for peace is Shalom. It can be used to say “Hello” and “Goodbye”.   It can also be translated as:

    • Completeness
    • Soundness
    • Tranquility
    • Prosperity
    • Peace

    How do these different meanings of the word Shalom help to more fully comprehend the Peace that is described in Numbers 6:26??

    Read the following passages.

    • Deuteronomy 28:1-14.
    • Psalm 103:1–5;
    • Psalm 116:12–14
    • Hagai 2:19
    • Luke 7:23
    • 1 Cor. 13:12

    What are some other blessings promised by God? How do these blessings help to reduce anxiety?

    In John 14:27 Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid." How are would you explain God’s Peace to someone going through tribulation?

    How does the world think about peace? How does this differ from God's peace? If Peace is the cessation of conflict, what conflict is the most damaging for a person among all others?  How is that conflict resolved?  Or rather, in Whom is that conflict resolved?

    “You cannot have anxiety in the presence of God”.  Is this statement true or false?

    Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.  This passage is read at many funerals.  What comfort can God provide, anyway?

    Read John 14:1. What can we do to reduce anxiety in our lives?  What does Jesus mean by “Believe in God and also believe in me?”

    Certain habits of a Christian are helpful to reduce anxiety in your life, such as:

    • Prayer
    • Reading Scripture
    • Worship
    • Listening to a sermon or a message about God
    • Hearing other people share their faith
    • Being part a small group
    • Counseling

    Which of these (or others) do you find the most helpful?

    What can you do this week to reduce anxiety in your life?