• sermon030115

    Sermon Notes March 1, 2015

    Today we're learning that Jesus was wise.  He was wise.  In fact, in the Old Testament Jesus is called Wisdom.

    Who is the wisest person you know (living or dead)

    What makes them wise?

    Do you wish they were always available to help you make decisions?

    The parable of the Good Samaritan is only found in the Gospel of Luke.

    Read the parable again.  Luke 10:25-37

    How have you interpreted this parable before?

    • Why didn't the Priest Stop?
    • Why didn't the Levite Stop?
    • Why did the Samaritan stop?
    • What lesson have you learned from this parable before?

    Jesus only presents two actions that were taken.  The priest and the Levite pass by on the other side.  The Samaritan helps the poor man. What else could either of these travelors have done?

    Who are the Samaritans in your life?

    How would you feel if you were desperately in need of mercy and they showed mercy to you?