• Next Phase Survey Results


    86 surveys were completed:  66 were completed on paper forms and and 20 surveys were completed online.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the Building Next Phase Survey and  sharing your dreams for CLV!!

    What kind of space?

    • Worship only 12
    • Multipurpose 64
    • Nothing

    How big?
    • 5,000sf    9      
    • 6,000sf     17    
    • 7,000sf     20      
    • 8,000sf   32 
    Raised stage?
    • Yes     62   
    • No    14     
    Permanent pulpit?
    • Yes 24     
    • No    45 
    Pews or chairs?
    • Pews    37    
    • Chairs     41    
    • Pews Permanent     9 
    • Moveable     34   
    Commercial kitchen?
    • Yes   62   
    • No   10 
    Number of Classrooms?
    • 4:    9  
    • 5:    3 
    • 6:    8  
    • 7:    9  
    • 8:  10      
    • 9:    1    
    • 10:10
    • Yes    44    
    • No    20   
    Sunday School:
    • Yes   56    
    • No  12  
    How many bathrooms?
    • Two    27    
    • Four    50 
    How much debt?
    • Less than $1M     24      
    • Less than $1.25M    23   
    • Less than $1.5M     22