• Adult Sunday School - Study on Galatians - 26th of March

    Please join us after worship on Sunday, 26th of March for Lesson #1 of our 10 part study of Galatians, where we will discuss Galatians 1: 1-9. The book of Galatians has been called the Magna Carta of Christian Liberty. Paul is urgent in his desire that those who have found faith in Christ live in the freedom that Christ gives. This book was the cornerstone of the Protestant Revolution for Martin Luther. He loved it!
    Historical Setting: Christianity had begun within the framework of Judaism with its laws and practices. As the Gospel was being extended to Gentiles, there was question as to whether the
    Jewish laws still needed to be followed as part of the salvation journey. The authority and teaching of Paul was questioned over the other apostles. His status was in doubt and Judaizers were trying to establish control of the church. Discussion questions are posted HERE